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How to Install Ruby on Rails 6.1.4 on Windows – Complete Guide

Introduction to Ruby on Rails 6.1.4

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework written in Ruby, designed to make programming web applications easier. With the release of version 6.1.4, several new features and enhancements have been introduced.

Ruby on Rails Logo

Key Features of Ruby on Rails 6.1.4

  • Improved Performance
  • Enhanced Security
  • Support for Action Mailbox

How to Install Ruby on Rails 6.1.4 on Windows

To install Ruby on Rails 6.1.4 on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Download Ruby on Rails 6.1.4 by clicking Download here
  2. Run the downloaded file and follow the installation wizard
  3. Verify the installation by running rails -v in the command prompt

Once installed, you can start developing web applications using Ruby on Rails 6.1.4!

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